Category: Philosophy

Pruning The Vine

 William  August 29, 2004  1 Comment on Pruning The Vine

You cannot be successful in effectively allocating your limited time if you are not willing to prune the vine of demands that are continually made on your life. As limited beings there is only so much we can do and…

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Compulsion And Virtue

 William  August 18, 2004  2 Comments on Compulsion And Virtue

What really makes the historic American dream and the nature of the country and society it has nurtured different from the goals of Islam and the nature of the countries and societies it has spawned? This is an important issue…

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Paradigms And Biblical Exegesis

 William  August 16, 2004

You should never read something that starts your intellectual juices after midnight; it will probably prevent you from getting very much sleep as the thoughts race back and forth across your mental topography, pushing sleep further and further from its…

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The War On Terror: A Perspective From Faith

 William  August 10, 2004

If you are a Christian who believes in the Great Commission and takes your faith seriously, then you should be aware of the recent argument made by the author of Belmont Club, Matt Wretchard (he calls himself Wretchard The Cat),…

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 William  August 8, 2004  4 Comments on Happiness

Sunday usually gets me thinking about abstract things, such as what I have been thinking about today, happiness. John Steward Mill in arguing for a Utilitarian ethic said that the highest normative principal was Actions are right in proportion as…

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 William  August 6, 2004

Fridays. The world in which we live views Friday with its own acronym, TGIF (Thank God [or goodness] its Friday), since the general view is that work is something we can’t wait to get away from so we can be…

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 William  August 4, 2004  1 Comment on Habits

”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle was on to something there. I think I now understand those relentless drills we did in Catholic school to learn things like the common…

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 William  August 2, 2004  2 Comments on Dreams

One reason I watched the Democratic National Convention last week, even though I am not a Democrat, is that I wanted to see who from the African-American community would speak, especially in prime time slots, and what message they would…

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Retrosexuals ‘R Us

 William  July 31, 2004  5 Comments on Retrosexuals ‘R Us

The emergence of the metrosexual as the leading character trait for males at the Democratic National Convention has lead to a resurgance of a counter movement called retrosexuals. Numerous bloggers are jumping on the bandwagon. Columnist Mark Steyn discusses the…

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 William  July 30, 2004  3 Comments on TRUTH

It is an election year and almost every point of intellectual contact I have has something to say about it. One of the overwhelming voices has been coming from the Democratic and liberal side and it echoes over and over…

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