One Year Anniversary Tomorrow

Tomorrow, June 16th, will mark the first anniversary of my being out beyond the rim. I plan to attempt a retrospective tomorrow on my experience, what I’ve learned and what I see for the future. Exciting stuff, no? 😉

Some of my early postings did not have much of an audience, and let’s face it, 98% of people who read blogs don’t go back more than a few days on any blog they stumble upon, so I am going to go through those gems of wisdom (hey, I wrote them) seeking out any deserving of at least a temporary resurrection (It’s alive! It’s alive!). It will not be just a reposting but a forward-looking retrospective that takes what I said then and applies what I have learned since. Hopefully this effort will have value for my current readers. It will; I promise. If you have doubts, just ask Miss O’Hara, she believes me. By the way, I have always wanted to ask her if those rotating pictures on her site are really her. Come on missy, fess up.

One God-instance related to my one year anniversary is that it falls on a Knowing God Thursday. It seems fitting since that effort has really been the centerpiece of my writing and personal thinking this year. May God continue to bless all of you who are studying this challenging book with me.

See y’all back here real soon now.

1 thought on “One Year Anniversary Tomorrow

  1. Thank you Will for your faithful investing of thousands of hours to make your blog alive. I take a lot of spiritual encouragement and insight from your site. I am belonging to those ‘who believe you’… Although I am far away at the Black Sea (Ukraine), I will virtually join your birthday party.
    Looking forward to more ‘gems’ and ‘meanderings’.
    Yours Ben

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