Back on July 27, I asked a question: “What is your hardest verse in the Bible?” I also answered the question for myself and challenged anyone who read the post to consider answering the question for themselves and then linking back (trackback or send me an email) so I could collect the verses and responses. I also challenged anyone who answered the question to tag two other people to also answer the question. I thought it would be instructive to look at the biblical verses thoughtful people (and I consider bloggers thoughtful people) struggle with.
So far I have had three responses.
1. Rooted In Him, who responded with a post he had already written on Matthew 11:12.
2. Listen In, who posteds on 1 Peter 1: 13-17 and addresses what Paula calls her stumbling after Jesus along that narrow road.
3. Jollyblogger, who responded with a post on Revelation 21:15 and his emotional problem with hell.
I want to repeat that I didnt do this for fun. I did it to get Christian bloggers to examine what they find difficult in the Bible and hopefully gather those thoughts here. Despite the large number of people who read the post, almost no one has accepted the challenge. If you do rise to the challenge then either trackback to this post or leave a comment or send me an email with the URL to your response. Then please tag two other people to write a response also.
Grace and peace.
And when Judaism discard the bread of Christ we Gentiles got the whole loaf!
The interpretation I’ve heard about those verses on the woman likening herself to a dog under the table, is that the bread and crumbs represent Christ Himself as the bread of life. The table at which the Lord intended to feast was with the Jewish people, and the Gentiles (the dogs) would receive what had been discarded.
Elizabeth, that verse is also an example of exceptional humility in the face of apparent rejection. She did not retort with anger or hurt feelings but appealed in a humble way that even dogs get the crumbs from the family table. I am not so sure I would have responded as well as her, but then those are the tests that define us.
My hardest verse used to be Matthew 15:26 – 27. It made no sense to me. Dogs? Crumbs? Why?
I had looked in our commentary and tried to find out a couple of different times what it meant with no luck.
Recently it was explained to me that the woman was a gentile, now it makes sense.
I’d be interested in a similar look at what verse is a person’s favorite and why and also what verse has God used to speak to them (for some people this will be the same verse, for some it won’t). I’m always amazed at the variety of verses that God uses to speak to people, it’s always a different verse, and always just what that person needs.
My hardest verse? This surely counts as one:
I make a feeble attempt to deal with the problem of pain and suffering in an article at my blogsite site entitled did God allow Hurricane Katrina to happen?