Welcome to our new Tuesday adventure in using photography to contemplate the wonders of God and his creation. Our first destination is a mysterious terra cotta canyon that some call the Grand Canyon of Texas. It is a 120 mile long canyon that is up to 20 miles wide in places. Designated a Texas state park, the over 18,000 acres of rugged badlands is located southwest of Amarillo, Texas.
Following the devastation of hurricane Katrina, we have all seen what the forces of weather can do with sudden and catastrophic results. But weather also works gradually, creating miraculous vistas that remind us that beauty as well as destruction can be the result of the forces beyond our control.
When I see landscapes like this I know that God is an artist and he paints with many colors his wonders to behold. It is also true that beauty often resides in the most desolate of places, reminding me that sometimes beauty is a warning as well as an allure. Hebrews contains a scripture that I am reminded of when I look at this canyon.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31
It also reminds me of the line from C. S. Lewis The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Lucy is asking Mrs. Beaver if Aslan is safe.
Then he isnt safe? said Lucy.
Safe? said Mr. Beaver; dont you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? Course he isnt safe. But Hes good. Hes the King, I tell you.
God or his creation isnt safe, but it is good. He called creation good right after he created it. So when you look at this beautiful but extremely rugged canyon, remember that it reflects something of its creator: beautiful and good, but not safe.
For this and other images go to the Texas Parks and Wildlife news site or the Palo Duro Canyon site.