As if Europe didn’t already have a growth problem, statistics show that the number of Europeans on the continent is shrinking, making the influx of nonEuropeans even more significant, Germans are now saying they don’t want to have children.
Almost 15% of all women and 26% of men between 20 and 39 are against having kids period. European Market Watch
Over the years Germany has imported large numbers of foreign workers to fill jobs that have gone wanting. The majority of these new workers have been Islamic and Germany has long been a hotbed of radical Islamic support. The government thinks its about the declining values:
We must strengthen the value of children, of families, and of more cooperation between the generations in Germany.”
Could it also be the rise of secularism and the decline of Christianity in the German population? When your main goal in life is your own fulfillment and pleasure your main pursuit, children are a drain on resources that could be spent on something personal. One wonders how the German government thinks it can strengthen the value of anything using secularist means?
There are similar statistics in the United States. The more educated, liberal, and secularist you are, the less likely you are to have children or more than one child. Thankfully, American Christians are exactly the opposite. Someone once replied, when asked how the Anti-Christ could succeed in taking over in such a modern liberal world, Demographics.
By the same token, if abortion hadn’t been legal all these years and if most of these children had grown in the same footsteps as their parents, it is quite likely that John Kerry would be in office today. Satan wants to undermine every aspect of God’s order. I wonder if this may be related to a refutation of “Be fruitful and multiply.”
This comment caused me to crack a smile as I thought of Darwin’s attack on Christianity.
“There are similar statistics in the United States. The more educated, liberal, and secularist you are, the less likely you are to have children or more than one child. Thankfully, American Christians are exactly the opposite. Someone once replied, when asked how the Anti-Christ could succeed in taking over in such a modern liberal world, Demographics.”
Lets repopulate the world and raise up a generation of God fearing people!