If you write or blog and care about what happens to what you have made available there is one thing that you need to know the basics of: copyrights. I recently came across the end all and be all site for copyrights and it is named COPYRIGHT.COM. Duh! I guess that one was pretty obvious.
Well to assist those of you who would like some answers, here is the link to their Copyright FAQ. Have at it.
I loved your blog. MarlaX
You Gotcha real nice blog
Thank you for running this, Bill. I would like to link to this if I may. I have known about copyright for years since I am a freelance writer. But I run into misunderstandings with friends and professionals all the time. I recently received a site from a professional in my former field of TV too that comes from the government. Will post that along with this link. Thanks again. Pg
Thank you William; this has been on my mind, off and on for awhile. Of course, I’m such a procrastinator, it could be another while before I actually do something about it! I appreciate you sharing the info.
Hope you and yours are doing well; I’ve been out of touch and I’m glad to be back for a visit!