A Lenten Observance

Lent begins tomorrow. Last year I did a daily devotional as part of my Lenten observance. I will endeavor to do the same this year, both as spiritual exercise, but also as an attempt to get myself writing again on a regular schedule, despite the long hours at work. I pray my little meditations will be useful to some of you who read this blog and I apologize for not being more diligent in my writing over the last six months. By God’s grace I will have both the energy and substance to make this effort worthwhile for all our souls.

I believe things are afoot and by the grace of him in whom we live and move and have our being I pray that in some small way we may privy to what lies ahead.

May God’s grace and peace be with you today and may his strength give you the resources you need to accomplish whatever he call you to.

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