I know this may sound repetitive, but this job has been hard work. They say many things get harder as you get older, but while I expected the work to be taxing, considering the schedule and the resource considerations, the actual demands are probably the greatest I have ever faced.
One problem is my desire to do things right and to do an excellent job. But that pales in comparison to the sheer volume of the work that needs to be done. I put in almost 70 hours last week and this week is similar. I may be getting an inkling of what God is trying have me learn out of this situation, but did he have to wait until I was 59 to put me through this? 😉
One of the men that moved our offices kept saying any day that he sees the sun rise and set has been a good day. In a way I can understand. Each day I make some progress and I create new habits and procedures that I am sure I am going to use for the task the Lord has ahead.
In a way, this is still enjoyable. Anyone who wants to improve wants to be stretched. Well, both apply here and to a degree, the challenge is something I have been looking for. I would appreciate any spare prayers any of you can send my way. I am a firm believer in volume and persistence…
I pray things are going well with you and that when it is your turn and God stretches you that you too will appreciate the opportunity! Grace and peace to each of you.