The last time I had a full-time, non contract job (January to August 2006), my blogging became intermittent at best. I start a new job, as an employee of Computer Science Corporation, on December 4th.
My wife is very happy. She likes it when I work for someone as an employee. There is a comfort level for her when I am not subject to the whims of contracting and she likes the regular paycheck that arrives like clockwork every other Friday. She can budget and plan and it takes a lot of the stress out of her life. That makes it worth the effort to go to work for someone else.
So, I don’t know yet how this will affect my writing, but it will in some way. In preparation, and in part due to the job but also to an agreement I made with God, I have stopped watching television except for sports and news. No more shows. That meant abandoning Lost, Jericho, Heroes, NCIS, and other favorites. The first week was hard; the second week was even harder. It has begun to get easier.
What I found was that had invested in the characters; they were like friends and I missed them. It wasn’t real and I got over it. This has freed up a lot of time that I hope will allow me to continue to blog on a decent schedule, even after work starts.
Between now and 12-4 I have a lot to do. Remember me in your prayers as I try to get everything done before the time crunch sets in.
Grace and peace to you and all whom you love.
Congrats on the new job! Is Moses one of the things to get done first? I hope so and I hope that you keep blogging this time. 🙂