In my company website (, I said the following:
“Writing is getting started, which is half the battle. The other half is getting finished, which means editing, rewriting, more editing and more rewriting.” William Meisheid
Now FAITHMAPS BLOG has a post on the ten most important things necessary for Becoming a Better Writer. Needless to say, I agree wholeheartedly.
After a little research it appears the first article with this list in it was written by Brian Clark at Copyblogger. The list is:
- Write.
- Write more.
- Write even more.
- Write even more than that.
- Write when you dont want to.
- Write when you do.
- Write when you have something to say.
- Write when you dont.
- Write every day.
- Keep writing.
In other words, to be a better writer requires writing. Duh! Just like any other skill, it has to be exercised to improve. I would also add one additional requirement: read, read a lot. Reading good writers is a must, just like good ballplayers learn from other good ballplayers what is possible, or good painters study the Masters.
RevFred, it depends on what kind of writing you are talking about: fiction, devotional, science, or many other disciplines. There are a few writers to read, no matter what your discipline, but you should at least find the best writers in the discipline you want to write in.
As to general writers I would suggest the following:
Annie Dillard: Holy the Firm and The Writing Life.
William Strunk and E.B. White: The Elements of Style.
Malcolm Muggeridge: Chronicles of Wasted Time.
W. Sommerset Maughan: Rain and Other South Sea Stories (specifically for Rain).
I hope that helps.
On the whole, I agree with you, especially the part about reading a lot. What “good writers” would you recommend?