The Thinning Veil

A common expression in spiritual circles about the separation between the mundane physical world and the spiritual reality that coincides with it is that the separation is a veil that blocks our standard view of the spiritual realm. Some people have claimed to see through that veil. That ability sometimes appears after a significant event or trauma. Those to whom it happens often think they are going or have gone crazy, and in some cases, that might also be true, but I believe that is an independent result of the thing that pushed them over the edge. I think what they see is real, and the crazy part is a good way to reject the fact that they can now see into a reality, which lies just below the surface of our existence.

Whatever you think, it appears that things are changing. It seems that more and more people are “seeing” things that they formerly thought were not there, or at least things they did not see previously. These are often things that make no sense to them. Some think they see people wearing a mask that hides something that doesn’t appear fully human. Most often, they notice that the eyes are different; on occasion, they are pure black, though sometimes they have a glow, which is most often red. A common interpretation of these phenomena is that demons have taken over or have undue influence on the person.

You can even see this sometimes on videos where passersby verbally attack street preachers, stopping just short of an actual physical assault. Their eyes are strange, with sudden flashes of blackness or redness. While this was an isolated event in the past, it is now becoming almost routine. What do you think this means? Is demonic activity becoming more routine, closer to the surface of our everyday existence, or are we just better at noticing and recording it? Is this evidence of how close we are to the apocalypse, or is this all just too over the top? Something to think about.

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