Strange Days Ahead

2025 is going to be a strange year, possibly the strangest post-WWII. The foundation of the US has changed from a nominally Christian nation where we said the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance every morning in my high school homeroom to our current secular humanist environment where there is no absolute truth. You determine your reality, even if that means claiming to be something you feel you are despite any biological or historical evidence to the contrary. There is no general social consensus that holds our society together. Western Christian-based social constructs no longer exist except in our historical documents and vague memories from the past that are constantly being reinterpreted and adjusted by the secular demands of the current “in” premise.


The question underneath this radical change is what or who is driving this transformation? From a purely secular view, the issues are seen as structural problems with outmoded ideas governing a limited future. It is argued that we need to cast off the superstitious past and embrace the freedom and possibilities that will open for our existence, even the “exciting” possibility of a post-human future where we decide our evolutionary path ourselves, enabling us to perfect ourselves into a better being not limited by this current definition of what is human.


However, the old arguments persist, and the spiritual worldview will not die. Instead, using a spiritual lens, this self-serving secular path is seen as the destruction of our humanity, a dead-end journey into oblivion at the behest of an evil progenitor, Lucifer or, more commonly, Satan, who seeks to destroy any last vestige of the humanity that God created in us using his image as the model for what we were, are, and will become.


We are entering a nexus point. These two views are mutually exclusive and at war with each other. Those aligned with either the secular or the “Light Bearer” believe they will win this fight. Those aligned with the Creator God believe the battle is already over, and all that is left is the revealing of the Sons of God and the establishment of the Kingdom of Righteousness, bought on the cross of Calvary through the work of the Word, the incarnate Son of the Father God who is conforming everything to His will.


Many believe the final battle is on the horizon, that the Day of the LORD is fast approaching. No matter what you think about this, one thing is becoming clear: we are narrowing down to two choices, and the middle ground where you could ride out the events and not make a choice is almost completely gone. You will be forced to choose and then live with that choice for the remainder of your existence. Choose wisely.

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