Most people don’t know that the beneficial bacteria in their gut produce most of their immune systems and many of the significant co-factors for their overall health. If you take this educational presentation to heart and implement what you learn, your health will never be the same again. As Psalm 139:14 tells us, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has given us what we need to live healthy lives. I would appreciate it if you could take this simple presentation to heart.
Notice: I am not a doctor, and I am not attempting to prescribe anything or cure any disease. I am presenting my research to educate you so you can learn about these issues and decide what to do (in consultation with your chosen physician).
Since our gut health is so significant to our overall health and well-being, there are several educational resources you can investigate. These include:
- In a video, Dr. Eric Berg DC, interviewed Dr. William Davis about his research on the gut biome, especially the foundational bacteria L reuteri. This 30-minute video will give you all the basics needed to get started
- The book Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight by Dr. William Davis explains everything you ever wanted to know about your gut and its microbiome. You can use this information to expand your efforts to improve your health and well-being.
- (Updated 12/30) This popular cultured food site goes in-depth about L reuteri.
This very important information will get you started on your journey to better health and well-being. One of my biggest takeaways from this information was that if you have ever had any antibiotics in your life and possibly if you have eaten meat that was given antibiotics or fruits or vegetables that have been sprayed with glycerophosphate herbicide, you do not have any L reuteri bacteria in your gut because once it is destroyed, it is very difficult, if not impossible (except for the technique Dr. Williams suggests), to repopulate your gut with this essential bacteria. It appears to be the foundational base of everything else in your gut, so when it is missing, your gut biome is trying to build your microbiome house without a proper foundation on which everything else rests.
May God bless you. May God keep you. May His healing grace be upon you, and may this educational information assist you in creating a healthier environment in your microbiome.
UPDATE: Here is a second video by Dr. Berg with Dr. William Davis that discusses the additional benefits of L Reuteri and two other bacteria: L Gasseri and Bacillus subtilis. Dr. Davis discusses the importance of oxytocin, among other things-very informative.