Author: wgmeisheid

The Company Store

 wgmeisheid  May 8, 2012  0 Comments on The Company Store

Liberals used to decry the company store, often rightfully so, since so seldom did the workers have an alternative and the store succeeded in binding them to the company, sometimes for life. Even when meant to “assist” the workforce, it…

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The Latter Rain…Knowing God

 wgmeisheid  February 20, 2012  0 Comments on The Latter Rain…Knowing God

It’s been a while, a long while, since I have written anything and my blog has become brown and parched. I am not sure if this latter rain will continue or if this is just a brief shower. Time will tell,…

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Knowing and Being Known

 wgmeisheid  September 13, 2011  0 Comments on Knowing and Being Known

…since God has always demanded that His people love Him with their whole heart, mind, and soul, failure to “know” Him is in essence a failure to love Him, since how can one truly love what one does not know.

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As a Tree Falls…

 wgmeisheid  April 11, 2011  0 Comments on As a Tree Falls…

One of the great fallacies of the non-believer is that they can put off their decision about God/Jesus/Salvation until the end. Even if the person is fortunate enough to have the time (no sudden death) to address the issue, it is VERY unlikely anything will change, since reversing direction goes against the weight of their entire life.

While it is true that there have been remarkable deathbed…

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The Nature of Sloth

 wgmeisheid  April 1, 2011  0 Comments on The Nature of Sloth

I was reading a review of Josef Pieper’s Faith, Hope, Love on Amazon when the commentor (Lawrence J. King) said something that struck a deep nerve and sent a shudder through my being (I am not joking). He said: I used to…

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Is God Saying This to You?

 wgmeisheid  March 31, 2011  0 Comments on Is God Saying This to You?

A Sunday thought I would like to pass on – Is God saying this to you? I AM I am the light in the center of your soul I am the joy seeking to make you whole I am the peace you heartfully…

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