Category: Art, Literature and Entertainment

Blogging Degree

 William  July 13, 2004

Well, as I approach a month of regular blogging I decided to put in for my honorary Blogging Degree. After all, it always helps to get officially recognized. The diploma has arrived. Blog Degree for Beyond the Rim…

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Christian Carnival XXVI

 William  July 12, 2004

Christian Carnival XXVI will be held at From the Anchor Hold and published this coming Wednesday. If you have a blog, this is a great way to get read, and possibly pick up readers in the process, or just a…

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 William  July 12, 2004  2 Comments on Beginnings

A new workweek begins. Mondays always refresh me. It is a chance to start anew, to catch up to those expectations whispering in the back of your mind, “Shouldn’t you…” While I have been a technical writer for almost fourteen…

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

 William  July 9, 2004  1 Comment on Day By Day by Chris Muir

If you haven’t read the comic strip Day By Day, written by Chris Muir you owe it to yourself to take a peek. His current effort pokes fun at Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11. Hat tip to Patriot Paradox.

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Democratic Haiku

 William  July 8, 2004  4 Comments on Democratic Haiku

Encouraged by a Michelle Malkin link to a haiku on John Edward’s hair I thought I would try my feeble hand at the art form… Beautiful hair Wafting hairspray Ozone depletion or Kerry Edwards Bill’s lament

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Michael Moore, Fantasy, and 9/11

 William  July 8, 2004  2 Comments on Michael Moore, Fantasy, and 9/11

Mark Stein, one of my favorite writers (he is linked on the left under Others), has written a take-down of Michael Moore and his Fahrenheit 9/11 mockumentary. Note: The Jerusalem Post link requires registration. Stein’s premise is that Moore’s premise…

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Christian Carnival XXV

 William  July 7, 2004  1 Comment on Christian Carnival XXV

The Christian Carnival is a weekly collection of posts submitted by various bloggers, which are written from a Christian perspective. Your author has two posts in this weeks Carnival. The 25th Christian Carnival has been hosted this week by Messy…

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Strange and Stranger Still Redux

 William  July 5, 2004

Back on June 24, I published a little item called Strange and Stranger Still about Amazon’s Listmania and its second-most popular list, The Top 25 Weirdest Items You Can Purchase Through Amazon! by Sheila Chilcote-Collins, who calls herself an “Ardent…

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Parades, Fireworks, and Small Towns

 William  July 3, 2004

I live in a small community on the outskirts of Baltimore by the name of Catonsville. It is a relatively old (almost 200 years), stable little burg that possesses a small town feel, despite the fact that it butts up…

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A Night at the Movies

 William  July 3, 2004

It’s been a good night. I just finished seeing my Baltimore Orioles beat the Philadelphia Phillies in sixteen innings after seeing Spiderman 2 at the movies with my wife and daughter. It has been a late night but an enjoyable…

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