Category: Christianity

As a Tree Falls…

 wgmeisheid  April 11, 2011  0 Comments on As a Tree Falls…

One of the great fallacies of the non-believer is that they can put off their decision about God/Jesus/Salvation until the end. Even if the person is fortunate enough to have the time (no sudden death) to address the issue, it is VERY unlikely anything will change, since reversing direction goes against the weight of their entire life.

While it is true that there have been remarkable deathbed…

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The Nature of Sloth

 wgmeisheid  April 1, 2011  0 Comments on The Nature of Sloth

I was reading a review of Josef Pieper’s Faith, Hope, Love on Amazon when the commentor (Lawrence J. King) said something that struck a deep nerve and sent a shudder through my being (I am not joking). He said: I used to…

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Is God Saying This to You?

 wgmeisheid  March 31, 2011  0 Comments on Is God Saying This to You?

A Sunday thought I would like to pass on – Is God saying this to you? I AM I am the light in the center of your soul I am the joy seeking to make you whole I am the peace you heartfully…

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What is Wrong with the Christian Church?

 William  May 2, 2010  3 Comments on What is Wrong with the Christian Church?

I had this insight this morning at church, which at first I thought was for my congregation alone, but as the day wore on, I believe it has a larger application. That is for you to judge. In the Old…

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Lent 2010: Day 17S – Making Changes, Knowing What To Do

 William  March 7, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 17S – Making Changes, Knowing What To Do

Several days ago I asked a question. “Where do you think all of the things I have been talking about during these Lenten meditations–God’s teachable moments, His inexorable call for repentance and redemption, our attempts to change course in some…

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Lent 2010: Day 17 – Where It All Begins: Step 3

 William  March 6, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 17 – Where It All Begins: Step 3

We have been answering the questions of where and how we make the changes in our life to become, to be the person, God is calling us to be. We have already looked at Step 1: Offering ourselves as living…

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Lent 2010: Day 16 – Where It All Begins

 William  March 4, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 16 – Where It All Begins

Question: Where do you think all of the things I have been talking about during these Lenten meditations–God’s teachable moments, His inexorable call for repentance and redemption, our attempts to change course in some or all aspects of our lives,…

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Lent 2010: Day 15 – Then Comes the Testing

 William  March 4, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 15 – Then Comes the Testing

From “teachable moments” to the requisite testing, I have moved on from my initial experience examined yesterday to the logical and expected follow-on: the test. Isn’t that normal? You get taught, then you get tested. Why would God be different?…

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Lent 2010: Day 14 – God’s Teachable Moments

 William  March 2, 2010  1 Comment on Lent 2010: Day 14 – God’s Teachable Moments

As I settle in and integrate my experiences from this past weekend (Steven’s great teaching, insights from the other authors, my musings and reactions) I am in the midst (as I am writing this) of an unexpected revelation. I was…

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