Category: Christianity

Lent 07: Day 16S – Joy and Suffering

 William  March 11, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 16S – Joy and Suffering

Today, Sunday, is my day of Eucharist. One synonym is the Great Thanksgiving. We are called to come to the table and sit down beside Christ and the Apostles, and share with all who have come before, are, and who…

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Lent 05: Day 16 – Right Moments

 William  March 10, 2007  3 Comments on Lent 05: Day 16 – Right Moments

I have been trying to clean up my office a bit today. It definitely needs it. Whenever I do that, I always run across something on a piece of paper or Post It note that I had written but forgotten….

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Lent 07: Day 15 – Inexplicable Occurrences

 William  March 9, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 15 – Inexplicable Occurrences

Work was frustrating today. I kept finding program problems that when corrected required me to redo many of the screen shots and explanations in the documentation I am writing. It feels like you have redo what you have just done,…

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Lent 07: Day 14 – Sometimes…

 William  March 8, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 14 – Sometimes…

Sometimes love is tired. The eleven disciples who shared the end of the Passover meal with Jesus all claimed to love him. They all said that they would die with him if necessary and of course would never deny him….

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Lent 07: Day 13

 William  March 7, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 13

We are going through Winter’s last gasp here in the Mid-Atlantic region. It is in the 20’s and we have had a couple of inches of snow. Driving to and from work today wasn’t too bad, but I purposely left…

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Lent 07: Day 12

 William  March 6, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 12

“A faithful friend is a strong defense: and he that has found him, has found a treasure. Sirach 6:14 Jesus had a lot to say about friends. He even called some of his contemporaries friends. He called Lazarus his friend….

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Lent 07: Day 11

 William  March 5, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 11

I think it is time to move away from the discussion of agape for a while. I fully intend to come back to it, but for now a change of scenery we do us good, so we will shift to…

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Lent 07: Day 10S

 William  March 4, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 10S

It is the Second Sunday in Lent and with this post I have finally caught up and gotten back on track. Accept my apologies for being late in my postings the last couple of days. In today’s Old Testament lesson…

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Lent 07: Day 10

 William  March 3, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 10

In my last posting I talked about routines and habits and how agape, because one definition is love in action, can be integrated into our lives as a routine and habit, making it part of everything we do. However, there…

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Lent 07: Day 9

 William  March 3, 2007  0 Comments on Lent 07: Day 9

I am sorry for the lateness of this post but for the second time in a week I lost a posting. I am not sure what is happening, but it is becoming frustrating. I now know when it happens, so…

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