Category: Christianity

A Blessed Thanksgiving To All

 William  November 25, 2004

Today we remember that it is from God that we have everything of worth having and we thank him for it. This holiday of Thanksgiving should call to mind the words of Paul in Acts 17:28, “For in him we…

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The Death Penalty: Part I

 William  November 24, 2004  4 Comments on The Death Penalty: Part I

The Scott Peterson case has brought the topic of the death penalty back into discussion and numerous Christian writers have begun to comment on the issue (i.e. Proverbial Wife). I have a problem. I have stated before that to the…

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Faults And Fault Lines

 William  November 18, 2004  2 Comments on Faults And Fault Lines

Do we just have faults, or do we also have fault lines in our lives? Faults can be corrected, but are faultlines like Paul’s thorn, something we are stuck with throughout our entire lives, a brokenness riven to our very…

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Lion With Otter Tendencies

 William  November 16, 2004  5 Comments on Lion With Otter Tendencies

After taking the personality inventory for the personality types based on Gary Smalley’s writings, it appears I am a lion with strong otter tendencies. I guess I am regal yet fun loving, won’t be building damns any time soon, and…

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 William  November 16, 2004

Yesterday, Adrian Warnock addressed the nature of freedom in discussing the current political leadership in the West along with the policies in the war on terror and toward the Middle East, with a focus on the situation in Iraq. The…

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Why No Evident Change?

 William  November 14, 2004  1 Comment on Why No Evident Change?

Every Sunday morning I listen to Ravi Zacharias, a well-spoken Christian apologist, before going off to church. He has a way of centering my thoughts on primary concerns, something very useful when I am about to engage my God in…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Section One

 William  November 11, 2004

Every Thursday we are looking at J. I. Packer’s book Knowing God. Last week we looked at the Preface and today we look at the way Packer structured his material. Since this online study is the seventh time I have…

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Some Thoughts On A Fallujah Tuesday

 William  November 9, 2004

With the American assault against the terrorists’ positions in Fallujah in full swing, my personal ruminations about what kind of people volunteer to be soldiers on the front line of life-threatening conflicts (sort of the definition of being a Marine)…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Watcher or Walker?

 William  November 4, 2004  1 Comment on Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Watcher or Walker?

In the 1973 Preface to his book Knowing God, J.I. Packer borrows an image from John Mackay’s book, A Preface to Christian Theology, and introduces a distinction between two types of Christians: balconeers and travelers, or what I call watchers…

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It’s Over, Praise God

 William  November 3, 2004

Resolution, one of the great words and actions in life. We have resolution. Now we can get on with the business of living and dealing with the problems that face us. Dear Lord. Thank you for your sustaining grace. Give…

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