Category: Christianity

Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Section One

 William  November 11, 2004

Every Thursday we are looking at J. I. Packer’s book Knowing God. Last week we looked at the Preface and today we look at the way Packer structured his material. Since this online study is the seventh time I have…

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Some Thoughts On A Fallujah Tuesday

 William  November 9, 2004

With the American assault against the terrorists’ positions in Fallujah in full swing, my personal ruminations about what kind of people volunteer to be soldiers on the front line of life-threatening conflicts (sort of the definition of being a Marine)…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Watcher or Walker?

 William  November 4, 2004  1 Comment on Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Watcher or Walker?

In the 1973 Preface to his book Knowing God, J.I. Packer borrows an image from John Mackay’s book, A Preface to Christian Theology, and introduces a distinction between two types of Christians: balconeers and travelers, or what I call watchers…

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It’s Over, Praise God

 William  November 3, 2004

Resolution, one of the great words and actions in life. We have resolution. Now we can get on with the business of living and dealing with the problems that face us. Dear Lord. Thank you for your sustaining grace. Give…

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Big And Little And Self Interest

 William  November 2, 2004

It is a canard of the left, though I think generally true, that big businesses have the best interests themselves, not of the public at heart. But at the same time those same liberals also believe that big government and…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Yes or No?

 William  October 28, 2004  4 Comments on Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Yes or No?

As previous readers of this blog know, I have been studying J. I. Packer’s book Knowing God since 1979. It was one of the first things we covered when I started a home Bible study that year. The book had…

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It Is Worse The Second Day

 William  October 27, 2004

I am getting too old for these all nighters. Working through Sunday night and not finishing until late Monday on that rush index has taken its toll, but the worst part was not the following day, in this case Tuesday,…

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A Clarion Call To Prayer

 William  October 26, 2004  1 Comment on A Clarion Call To Prayer

Hello! Welcome. Lend me your ear for a moment. Now that I have your attention I want to issue a sincere call to all Christians. I ask that you please pass this clarion onto everyone you know who calls Jesus…

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Abominations Now And Forever?

 William  October 20, 2004  4 Comments on Abominations Now And Forever?

Jeremy Pierce has been discussing the arguments surrounding homosexual marriage which morphed into legislating morality and now have morphed into arguments concerning the nature and longetivity of abominations, since homosexuality is so biblically described. I got into the middle of…

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So, What Does It Really Mean?

 William  October 17, 2004

People do not behave as we expect, both today, in America, and in the past, looking at Biblical populations. There is a disconnection between us and our understanding of the real people we see in the historic scriptures, and their…

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