Category: Christianity

The War On Terror: A Perspective From Faith

 William  August 10, 2004

If you are a Christian who believes in the Great Commission and takes your faith seriously, then you should be aware of the recent argument made by the author of Belmont Club, Matt Wretchard (he calls himself Wretchard The Cat),…

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Husbands and Wives

 William  August 10, 2004

I have been reading, at the request of my wife, Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Husband Needs to Know by C. J. Mahaney, the senior pastor at my daughter’s church. There is also a section in…

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Christian Carnival XXX

 William  August 9, 2004  4 Comments on Christian Carnival XXX

This week’s Carnival is here at Beyond the Rim… So, be thinking about submitting an article or getting your blogger friends to submit an article. Email me – use the button on the sidebar or send it to beyondtherim at…

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 William  August 8, 2004  4 Comments on Happiness

Sunday usually gets me thinking about abstract things, such as what I have been thinking about today, happiness. John Steward Mill in arguing for a Utilitarian ethic said that the highest normative principal was Actions are right in proportion as…

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 William  August 6, 2004

Fridays. The world in which we live views Friday with its own acronym, TGIF (Thank God [or goodness] its Friday), since the general view is that work is something we can’t wait to get away from so we can be…

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 William  August 5, 2004

Emerson argued that pride always injures–“No man ever had a point of pride that wasn’t injurious to him.” Maybe it doesn’t get you immediately, but eventually pride, to quote Proverbs 16:18, goes before the fall. It is pride that helps…

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Christian Carnival XXIX

 William  August 4, 2004

The current Christian Carnival is up and running at Digitus, Finger & Co. It is obvious that Neil has read every post, so we all have had at least one reader. 😉 Read and enjoy not only the Carnival articles,…

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 William  August 4, 2004  1 Comment on Habits

”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle was on to something there. I think I now understand those relentless drills we did in Catholic school to learn things like the common…

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 William  August 3, 2004

It seems to me that God must have goals, after all, the Bible says that He has a plan and having a plan implies having goals to implement that plan. Beyond the larger plan that God has for all of…

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Christian Carnival XXIX Submission

 William  August 2, 2004

It is time to submit your posts. Digitus, Finger, and Co. will host the Christian Carnival for the first time this Wednesday. If you have a blog, this is a great way to to expose yourself to new readers. Please…

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