Category: Helpful Hints

Controlling Viral Infections, especially COVID-19, with D3 and Supplements.

 wgmeisheid  December 29, 2020  0 Comments on Controlling Viral Infections, especially COVID-19, with D3 and Supplements.

I have been researching vitamin D3 and other effective natural approaches to dealing with viral infections such as the cold and flu for over 14 years. My intensive interest started back in 2006 timeframe when I read an article (…

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Quick & Easy Toasted Cheese Sandwich

 wgmeisheid  April 19, 2014  0 Comments on Quick & Easy Toasted Cheese Sandwich

Here is an easy, quick way to make a very unmessy toasted cheese sandwich. Get out your iron, a piece of aluminum foil a little larger than twice the size of your bread, and your desired fixings. Put your finished…

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