Category: Religion

Canaries in the Coal Mine

 William  January 7, 2008  0 Comments on Canaries in the Coal Mine

Whenever there are fundamental shifts coming in human events there are “canaries in the coal mine” occurrences that presage the actual displacement. These small seismic shifts alert those paying attention that the “big one” is coming. As Jesus said to…

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Enemies or Former Allies?

 William  October 10, 2007  0 Comments on Enemies or Former Allies?

Some people are irreverent to the end, even in the face of impending judgment. “This is no time to make new enemies.” Voltaire, when asked on his deathbed to forswear Satan. I wonder if he ever considered whether Satan was…

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Out of the Mouth of Wormwoods: Men Without Chests

 William  September 27, 2007  4 Comments on Out of the Mouth of Wormwoods: Men Without Chests

Bernard Ramm wrote a wonderful book, The Devil, Seven Wormwoods, and God, in which he discussed important lessons that the enemies and detractors of the Christian faith could teach the Church. It was an enlightening reading experience. Today, I ran…

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Ministry and the Corporate Mentality

 William  September 13, 2007  3 Comments on Ministry and the Corporate Mentality

What do a lot of ministries and the modern idea of corporations have in common? One important thing, at least from my viewpoint, is the desire to last beyond the life, energy, or efforts of one individual. Corporations have many…

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Culture: Islam vs. Christianity

 William  August 23, 2007  3 Comments on Culture: Islam vs. Christianity

Christianity began as a subculture to the existing culture and can be see as such in many areas of the world today. It can honestly be said, despite Western Civilization’s sometimes claim to the contrary, that there is no Christian…

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Thoughts on the Coming Year

 William  January 14, 2007  0 Comments on Thoughts on the Coming Year

One of the common practices we all seem to engage in during the days leading up to and just after the new year is to prognosticate about the coming year, about what may or may not happen. With that in…

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The Problem With Study Bibles

 William  October 26, 2006  0 Comments on The Problem With Study Bibles

In my post on The Problem With Bible Translations, I decried the recent proliferation of translations (I should have also included paraphrases since many of the “translations” are actually paraphrases and not new translations). That effort started me thinking about…

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Nature vs Nurture: The Clifford Experiment

 William  October 18, 2006  3 Comments on Nature vs Nurture: The Clifford Experiment

We have owned three Akitas, a Japanese breed introduced into the U.S. after WWII. Orignally bred to guard the Emperor and protect villages from bears (three Akitas have brought down a marauding bear), the enigmatic large breed is powerfully built…

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A Priories: How We Build On The Sure Foundation

 William  October 6, 2006  1 Comment on A Priories: How We Build On The Sure Foundation

A priories are the foundation of what comes later. They are the starting point of your argument. They are not formed from evidence or facts, but are choices. They form the foundation on how evidence and facts are interpreted. In…

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Implications of a Long War

 William  September 7, 2006

The current thinking about the confrontation between radical Islam (Sunni Wahhabism and Shi’a Islam almost across the board) and the West is that it is a long war. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, this is a…

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