Category: Religion

Christian Carnival XXVI

 William  July 12, 2004

Christian Carnival XXVI will be held at From the Anchor Hold and published this coming Wednesday. If you have a blog, this is a great way to get read, and possibly pick up readers in the process, or just a…

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A Freedom of Religion Brief

 William  July 9, 2004

I couldn’t sleep one night and as things go when laying quietly in the dark my mind went on one of those Beagle-type wanderings where it rushed down all sorts of rabbit trails until finally it latched on one scent…

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Science and God

 William  July 7, 2004

The Probability of God, the book by Stephen D. Unwin, has resulted in a flurry of articles, both pro and con, on the utility of his argument. For examples of pro (Evangelical Outpost: Wagering a Life: Part 1 – Urwin…

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