Category: Religion

Lent 2010: Day 4 – Dealing With the Unexpected

 William  February 20, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 4 – Dealing With the Unexpected

This morning our Knowing God study was supposed to tackle Chapter 14: God the Judge. It begins a difficult 3 chapter section that deals with the not fun stuff: judgment, wrath, and goodness and severity. Not light material (not that…

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Lent 2010: Day 3 – Changing Course

 William  February 19, 2010  2 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 3 – Changing Course

I have always believed that Lent was about changing course in some aspect of your life. That is why I posted about path dependency yesterday, since it affects your course change efforts, or as we Christians like to say, your…

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Lent 2010: Day 2 – Path Dependency

 William  February 18, 2010  0 Comments on Lent 2010: Day 2 – Path Dependency

Path Dependency (PD) is where the decision you are facing at any given moment is limited or influenced by your decisions in the past, even though the past circumstances that led to that decision may no longer be relevant. In…

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Ash Wednesday 2010

 William  February 17, 2010  0 Comments on Ash Wednesday 2010

Today is Ash Wednesday, and while a large number of Christians do not participate in Ash Wednesday (most Anabaptist and Pentecostal churches), some of you might have noticed today that there are people walking amongst us who have a black…

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 William  February 15, 2010  0 Comments on Revival

If your faith needs a lift today, watch this video…better yet, watch it on your knees and like the young man in the barn talked about in the presentation, pray with him asking, “God are my hands clean?” I know…

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Rimdims #6: Ritual Impurity

 William  October 13, 2008

Considering the lengths that radical Muslims go to “protect” their ritual purity (e.g. Ayatollah Khomeini, after the Iranian revolution, declared that all non-Muslims were impure. He said that to wash the clothes of non-Muslims (you have to touch them), to…

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What is Happening in Lakeland Florida?

 William  June 5, 2008  3 Comments on What is Happening in Lakeland Florida?

Part traditional Pentecostal revival (which is how it started), part prayer and praise meeting, part over-the-top healing service, but controversial without a doubt, is the Lakeland Revival centered on Todd Bently. There are those who argue it is a massive…

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Evangelical Ship Taking on Water

 William  May 13, 2008  1 Comment on Evangelical Ship Taking on Water

Sometimes when you read something someone else has written, something they say or a quote they use, it sparks a line of thought. I just ran across my comments to Dr. Mike, over at Eternal Perspectives on a post he…

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The Rule of Law

 William  January 31, 2008  1 Comment on The Rule of Law

The rule of law under God (how this country was founded) means we have absolutes to guide, correct, and administrate our legal system. Some things are inalienable. The rule of law under man (where this country is being taken) means…

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Canaries in the Coal Mine

 William  January 7, 2008  0 Comments on Canaries in the Coal Mine

Whenever there are fundamental shifts coming in human events there are “canaries in the coal mine” occurrences that presage the actual displacement. These small seismic shifts alert those paying attention that the “big one” is coming. As Jesus said to…

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