Category: Rimshots

Rimshots #26 Traveling, the Journey

 William  February 2, 2008  2 Comments on Rimshots #26 Traveling, the Journey

“For it is a sin against the reason to tell men that to travel hopefully is better than to arrive; and when once they believe it, they travel hopefully no longer.” C. K. Chesterton The modern concept of a journey’s…

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Rimshots # 25 “Oxymorons”

 William  September 19, 2006  0 Comments on Rimshots # 25 “Oxymorons”

“Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence.” Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam That statement is remarkable in its oxymoronic candor. Some have tried to call it paradoxical, which does disservice to the word. However, the…

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Rimshots #24 “Change”

 William  September 1, 2005  10 Comments on Rimshots #24 “Change”

“Figure out what changes, what doesn’t change, and what you want to change.” Anne Hartman, Essex Partners There are many aphorisms dealing with change. One well known one that was very popular several years ago was The Serenity Prayer. God,…

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Rimshots #23 Eternal Aquisitions

 William  August 7, 2005

“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Christian missionary martyred in 1956 in Ecuador by the Huaorani tribesmen (called at the time Auca Indians). His wife, Elizabeth, later…

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Rimshots #22 “Success”

 William  August 3, 2005  2 Comments on Rimshots #22 “Success”

“…what matters in life is not so much what we do. What matters most is what God chooses to do through us.” Charles “Chuck” Colson. Our culture is enamored with success. With some areas of success come fame, witness athletes,…

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Rimshots #22 “Truth And Freedom”

 William  July 24, 2005

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32. Of all of the words of Jesus used by secular speakers, this is one of the favorites. Gloria Steinem even used a form of this biblical…

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Rimshots #21 “Christianity Untried”

 William  June 26, 2005

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult, and left untried.” G. K. Chesterton in What’s Wrong with the World. That is a bold statement. If true and I think it is, where…

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Rimshots #20 “The Right Word”

 William  June 24, 2005

“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter — ’tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens) HT out-there-q As a writer I see that as…

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Rimshots #19 “Political Correctness”

 William  May 3, 2005

“Political correctness is just tyranny with manners.” Charlton Heston This is as good a definition as I have ever heard of the phenomena. The definition at Wikipedia goes on for almost 3200 words. The thing that bothers me most about…

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Rimshots #18 “Elitism”

 William  February 1, 2005  2 Comments on Rimshots #18 “Elitism”

William A. Henry in Defense of Elitism wrote, “The very essence of school is elitism. Schools exist to teach, to test, to rank hierarchically, to promote the idea that knowing and understanding more is better …” In essence, schools exist…

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