Category: Survival

How to Maximize Your Health Using L Reuteri Yogurt (UPDATED)

 wgmeisheid  February 1, 2025  0 Comments on How to Maximize Your Health Using L Reuteri Yogurt (UPDATED)

Most people don’t know that the beneficial bacteria in their gut produce most of their immune systems and many of the significant co-factors for their overall health. If you take this educational presentation to heart and implement what you learn,…

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Scriptures for a Friend Fighting Pancreatic Cancer

 wgmeisheid  April 19, 2024  0 Comments on Scriptures for a Friend Fighting Pancreatic Cancer

My best friend is fighting pancreatic cancer and I decided to put together a few pages of Scriptures that he and anyone with him could read as a prayer to the Lord. I printed it out on two sheets both…

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Putting a Biblical Hedge Around Someone You Care About

 wgmeisheid  February 24, 2024  0 Comments on Putting a Biblical Hedge Around Someone You Care About

Biblical Hedge: Asking God to put a protective hedge around someone to protect them from harm. A wonderful and powerful example for the support for biblical hedges comes from the Old Testament prophet Hosea. He lived during the time of…

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Solar Storms

 wgmeisheid  April 28, 2023  0 Comments on Solar Storms

You may have noticed a lot of press lately about solar storms and auroras seen in the deep south. Auroras are normally seen only in upper latitudes. In North America that includes northern Canada and Alaska. However, this week they…

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Controlling Viral Infections, especially COVID-19, with D3 and Supplements.

 wgmeisheid  December 29, 2020  0 Comments on Controlling Viral Infections, especially COVID-19, with D3 and Supplements.

I have been researching vitamin D3 and other effective natural approaches to dealing with viral infections such as the cold and flu for over 14 years. My intensive interest started back in 2006 timeframe when I read an article (…

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Food: Our Continuing Sustenance

 wgmeisheid  March 5, 2015  0 Comments on Food: Our Continuing Sustenance

We need food. There is a maxim in certain nutritional circles that you are what you eat, or at least the health of your body is determined by what you eat. One of the big problems with disasters, especially ones…

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Water: 60% of Your Physical Makeup

 wgmeisheid  March 1, 2015  0 Comments on Water: 60% of Your Physical Makeup

It is not an exaggeration to say water is the stuff of life. Outside of air, it is the one thing we need to continually consume. We can deal with irregularly consuming food, but not water. We deteriorate rapidly without…

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What Does Getting Prepared Involve?

 wgmeisheid  February 28, 2015  0 Comments on What Does Getting Prepared Involve?

The answer to that question depends on your location. Are you in a city, the suburbs of a city, a small town, a rural location, or what some might consider the boonies? Each location would have different requirements. What are…

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A Call to Discernment of the Possibility of God’s Imminent Judgement

 wgmeisheid  February 28, 2015  0 Comments on A Call to Discernment of the Possibility of God’s Imminent Judgement

 Back on September 11, two friends of my sister (in Deland Florida) were praying before lunch and asking God what they should pray about, since it was the anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, when…

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