Category: Work

Work and It’s Changing Nature

 wgmeisheid  April 23, 2015  0 Comments on Work and It’s Changing Nature

I have recently read two articles that look at the changing nature of work/value creation and while coming from a different perspective, arrive at similar constructs, though this may not be obvious at first glance. The first article (The Old…

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The Blessing of a Little Disorganization

 William  October 5, 2007  0 Comments on The Blessing of a Little Disorganization

There was an article in the New York Times recently that argues: Studies are piling up that show that messy desks are the vivid signatures of people with creative, limber minds (who reap higher salaries than those with neat “office…

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Real Vs. Synthetic

 William  May 15, 2007  1 Comment on Real Vs. Synthetic

Many people suffer from synthetic attitudes. This state of mind can come from living in a dichotomy between the image you feel obliged to present to the world and what is your true sense of self. It is like the…

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 William  April 21, 2007  0 Comments on Distractions/Decisions

Whatever I am doing, whatever the context, I usually find my thoughts from one circumstance begin to shed light on other areas. One of the problems I regularly deal with at work is distractions. I was never meant for a…

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Rest, A Gift Beyond Compare

 William  April 18, 2005

Thank you to all those who prayed for me while I was working (and generally not sleeping) to get this last large index out the door (950+ page book). I just successfully emailed the project to the book packager after…

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In Need We Are, Yes Indeed

 William  April 16, 2005

All of us have times of need, times that are a bit overwhelming. Some are physical or health related. Some are emotionally or socially significant. Many are spiritual, and then some are work related. That is me today through Monday…

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It Is Worse The Second Day

 William  October 27, 2004

I am getting too old for these all nighters. Working through Sunday night and not finishing until late Monday on that rush index has taken its toll, but the worst part was not the following day, in this case Tuesday,…

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Busy, Busy, Busy

 William  October 21, 2004

I have a rush indexing job to do and have absolutely no time or mental energy left that could be diverted from getting this index done. Sorry, while I may do a small posting or two to give me a…

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