Lent 07: Day 4S
In case you were wondering, Sundays are not officially part of Lent. That is why today’s posting is listed as 4S; it is not yet the fifth day of Lent and it is Sunday. That said, let us move on…
…A heart and mind searching for truth in a lying, fallen world.
In case you were wondering, Sundays are not officially part of Lent. That is why today’s posting is listed as 4S; it is not yet the fifth day of Lent and it is Sunday. That said, let us move on…
Yesterday we set the parameters of our discussion, at least relating to the Word. Today we begin looking in depth at the four word in Greek used for love: agapao-agape, eros, philios, and storge. Our concentration will be on the…
Today is Friday. It is the end of most people’s normal workweek, thus a good breakpoint to shift our focus from daily tasks to an in-depth study. This evening, Saturday, and Sunday I will spend time on the four Greek…
We are off to a good start, that is, if like me, you believe that death is a loving gift from a caring Father. Where we will end up as we progress on this journey, only our Father knows, but…
Today begins another season of Lent, a discipline the Christian Church has been observing for approximately 1700 years. You may want to read my previous postings on its personal specifics (Ash Wednesday 2006) or its symbolism (Ash Wednesday [2005]). This…
In the liturgical Christian world, today has several names: Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday, which many people know by its French translation, especially in New Orleans and the Gulf region, of Mardi Gras. It is the day before the beginning…
Today, in the Western World, our culture celebrates Saint Valentine’s Day, though the Saint portion was discarded long ago–too religious by half, and not in keeping with some of the modern uses the holiday is put to. However, the real…
One of the more interesting aspects of the Christian faith for me is how much of what we are called to live out in our lives of discipleship is paradoxical. A paradox is an apparently contradictory statement that still may…
One of the common practices we all seem to engage in during the days leading up to and just after the new year is to prognosticate about the coming year, about what may or may not happen. With that in…
We are now eleven days into the new year and this is my first post in over a month. My site has been reconditioned and the underlying programs upgraded, so I am ready to face another year or two of…
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