I’ll Be Back…
That is one of the great movie lines of all time, when Arnold (alias the Terminator) looks at the Desk Sergeant and says, “I’ll be back.” I have been away for some time. First in reduced mode while working in…
…A heart and mind searching for truth in a lying, fallen world.
That is one of the great movie lines of all time, when Arnold (alias the Terminator) looks at the Desk Sergeant and says, “I’ll be back.” I have been away for some time. First in reduced mode while working in…
As I expected, Mike Russell at Eternal Perspectives has started to come out of the other side of his journey through the “Dark Night of the Soul”. There are only two branches on that road and Mike did not disappear…
As a sat down yesterday, after getting the dust vacuumed off, my brother-in-law snapped this picture with his cell phone. The head piece is just a shop rag held on with painter’s tap to keep the dust from destroying what…
My brother-in-law, Ken Zacharias, gave this to me to read and I thought it was wonderful. I pass it on for your edification and amusement. I was listening to a lady who called a radio pastor. The pastor was a…
I am tired, bone-weary tired. So, I decided to see what the Bible had to say about my condition (I have never looked up the word before). A quick look in Strong’s or Young’s will show you that the word…
In Matthew 12:19-21, the Apostle draws on Isaiah 42.2-4 giving hope to all those faced with difficult challenges, who feel like they barely have a grasp on what is left of their life and purpose. He will not quarrel or…
I wrote the following as a comment on Mike Russell’s Eternal Perspectives That is the nature of discipleship, being changed, changed from the old man into the new man. We will be radically different, yet recognizable. Stripped of our dross,…
In looking at Solomon’s contention that wisdom and knowledge bring grief and sorrow, Christians have one very significant advantage not available to him: the indwelling Holy Spirit. Remember, Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest of all those born of…
Rather than wait till I have enough energy for longer posts (as is my custom), I have decided to just post short observations for a while. As I mentioned in the last post, Solomon said that as his knowledge increased…
I have not been writing very much, some would say almost nothing, because of the workload in trying to remodel my father’s house so my sister and her family can move in with him. Since I arrived at Dad’s in…
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