Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: The Heart Of The Gospel Part I

 William  July 7, 2005  2 Comments on Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: The Heart Of The Gospel Part I

Section Three is where Dr. Packer begins icing the cake he has spent the last seventeen chapters baking. He takes the title for this section from Romans 8:31 “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for…

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Keeping The Focus: Unceasing Joy

 William  July 6, 2005

It is not exactly the tomorrow I said in my original posting, so accept my apology for not meeting my stated goal. I will try to do better by my commitments in the future. Unceasing Joy As we said earlier,…

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Hubble Tuesdays: Dying Stars

 William  July 5, 2005  1 Comment on Hubble Tuesdays: Dying Stars

When most people think of death they do not usually consider the death of stars. However, astronomers do and from the passing of a star they hope to glean significant information about the nature of stars. In The Voyage of…

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Poetry: The Question

 William  July 3, 2005

I get regular hits on several of my poems, with many of those people going to the poetry category and looking at my other efforts. I just realized that one of my efforts was not included within my poetry category…

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For The Purpose-Driven

 William  July 3, 2005

If you are a fan of the Rick Warren and the various Purpose-Driven approaches to living out your faith personally, as a church, or in any of the other proliferations that this movement has incarnated into, then I would humbly…

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Keeping The Focus

 William  July 2, 2005

One scripture that a lot of Christian people skip past is 1 Thessalonians 5:17, “pray without ceasing” or “pray continually.” Those who do take the passage seriously, usually interpret it along the lines that their whole life is a prayer…

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Yes, I Noticed

 William  July 1, 2005

I had a rare occurance last night. Someone came to my blog from a link at Think Christian discussing my Defined By What We Do posting. They stayed for almost three hours and read forty-six other postings on the site….

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War Of The Worlds

 William  July 1, 2005

A friend and I saw Stephen Spielberg’s movie this afternoon. Please think twice before you take any children to this movie. While I enjoyed it immensely, one reviewer was right when he said this movie would be for some people…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Section Two Review

 William  June 30, 2005

Taking a moment to look back and review what you have just completed is an important part of the learning experience, especially when you ask yourself some basic questions such as: 1. What things stick in my mind about this…

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Spam, Comments, And Loss

 William  June 30, 2005  2 Comments on Spam, Comments, And Loss

I get a tremendous amount of spam, almost all of it now is in the trackback section. However, every once in a while in dealing with this trackback spam mistakes occur. One such problem just occured and the last ten…

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