God Knows What He’s About

 William  April 3, 2005  2 Comments on God Knows What He’s About

This is an anonymous poem that speaks to the sovereignty of God. Offered for your Sunday meditation. When God wants to drill a man, and thrill a man, and skill a man; When God wants to mold a man, to…

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Trees On Fire

 William  April 3, 2005  1 Comment on Trees On Fire

The evening’s setting sun made the trees out back look as if they were on fire. I was a bit late in getting the shot I wanted but you can imagine what it looked like a few minutes earlier. Update:…

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Local Christian Blogger Meet/Dinner

 William  April 2, 2005  1 Comment on Local Christian Blogger Meet/Dinner

Thursday night my wife and drove down to Laurel, MD to Buddy’s Crabs & Ribs for dinner and chit-chat with area Christian bloggers. The meetup was set up by David Wayne of Jollybogger and Terry Pruitt of Pruitt Communications. A…

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And Now The Pope…

 William  April 1, 2005  4 Comments on And Now The Pope…

Today has been filled with news about the declining health and imminent death of Pope John Paul II. It is an interesting historical juxtiposition for Terri Shiavo to die yesterday and the Pope to be at death’s door today. John…

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Theological Thursdays: Knowing God: Reviewing Section One

 William  March 31, 2005

Knowing God: Review of First Section Every Christian desires, as Packer titled his first section, to know the Lord. The word know carries in the Bible a dual connotation of both understanding and intimately experiencing something, so it is a…

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O Truth, Be Loud, Be Clear

 William  March 31, 2005  2 Comments on O Truth, Be Loud, Be Clear

Terri Shiavo has now died. There is only one thing left to occur and the sharp divisions in this case have made that one necessity a matter of national import: what is the actual truth in this contentious case? Is…

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Tough Day

 William  March 30, 2005

I find it hard to believe how much the Terri Shiavo case has affected me and how upset the inexorable grinding of our dysfunctional legal system has made me. A simple reading of the evidence says something is very remiss…

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Butterflies And Tipping Points

 William  March 28, 2005  9 Comments on Butterflies And Tipping Points

Matt Wrechard at the Belmont Club has been characterizing the Terri Shiavo situation as a “butterfly effect” in that it will have far reaching and currently unknown effects well beyond its absolute significance. One specific section at the end of…

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The Stone: Easter From A Different Perspective

 William  March 27, 2005

We visited my friend Martin’s church (Good Shepherd, CEC) for Easter services. I wanted to participate in the liturgy and receive communion for my celebration of Christ’s resurrection, but Martin also has good insights in his sermons as well. This…

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Holy Saturday: Christ In The Tomb

 William  March 26, 2005

“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.” We say that powerful closing to the Lord’s prayer with the advantage of hindsight, but at this moment it does not appear so. If…

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