The Meaning Of Things

 William  August 31, 2004

With the Republican Convention on television, all over the blogosphere, talk radio, and most newspapers for the next three days, I am being bombarded with words, spoken and written, in speeches and commentaries, in arguments and counter arguments, from everyone…

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Pruning The Vine

 William  August 29, 2004  1 Comment on Pruning The Vine

You cannot be successful in effectively allocating your limited time if you are not willing to prune the vine of demands that are continually made on your life. As limited beings there is only so much we can do and…

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 William  August 27, 2004

Do you know a geek? Are you yourself a geek? The common image of geeks is of an intelligent and technically competent, though socially backward, often serious backward, individual. I been thinking about geeks and I think I have hit…

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GateKeepers, Gutenberg, And The New Media

 William  August 26, 2004

There is a war breaking out all over our culture. It is not between Islamists and defenders of the West though that war is real. It is not between Democrats and Republicans though sadly that war appears to be real…

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Indicting The Democrats

 William  August 25, 2004

Matt Wretchard of the Belmont Club, one of the most, if not the most, insightful blogs analyzing military issues and other insights related to the War on Terror, yesterday wrote one of the most stinging indictments of the Democratic Party…

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Ben Stein And Me

 William  August 25, 2004  3 Comments on Ben Stein And Me

Ben Stein is three years older than I am, but the circles in which he has run are light years from mine. He is a writer and actor who visits with Samuel L. Jackson and Warren Beatty and I once…

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Lessons From History

 William  August 24, 2004

No matter where you fit into the political spectrum you are facing significant choices during this election cycle. One of the significant factors I use to evaluate such situations is my view of history and historical events. My undergraduate degree…

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Clifford And Our Love For Pets

 William  August 24, 2004  2 Comments on Clifford And Our Love For Pets

I have been distracted for the last two days because of difficulties with my older dog. Clifford is a four and a half year old brindled Akita who has been in severe gastrointestinal distress, with problems coming at both ends….

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A Piece Of My Own Heart

 William  August 22, 2004  2 Comments on A Piece Of My Own Heart

I have been thinking a lot lately about repentance, about changing the desires of my heart. It is not an easy process. Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: If it were only so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing…

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All Sail, No Anchor

 William  August 20, 2004  6 Comments on All Sail, No Anchor

I read George Will only sporadically, but I did catch his Wednesday article on Ignoring History In Iraq in the Washington Post. (Note: the link requires registration and will only work for two weeks or so when it will go…

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