Small Things

 William  July 20, 2004  2 Comments on Small Things

Most relationships in life are sustained by small things. While we often focus on the big things, the grandiose statements of significant caring, it is the little acts of kindness and self giving that build the foundation and solidify the…

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The West Wing

 William  July 19, 2004

Most people have either seen or heard of the television series The West Wing. Well yesterday, due to the fortunate occasion of my daughter knowing a Secret Service agent, we got a private tour inside the fence of the area…

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 William  July 18, 2004

It is raining today. While Maryland appears to have recovered from its recent drought problems, we needed this recent rain. Over the last decade we seem to cycle between periods of really wet weather and several years of below average…

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Why Bush Will Be Reelected

 William  July 16, 2004

Yes, I believe George Bush will be reelected and here is why. My optimism comes from an article in Tech Central Station by Ralph Bennett, a retired assistant managing editor of Reader’s Digest. He tells the story of Michael McNaughton,…

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Virgin Supply

 William  July 16, 2004

Virgin supply. All the calls around the Islamic world recruiting “Holy Martyrs” (such as the recent revelation of the activities in Iran) got me to thinking about Islamic martyrs and their virgin reward. My research, while admittedly not exhaustive, has…

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Conspiracy Theories

 William  July 16, 2004

Conspiracy theories. They are all the vogue these days, especially when it concerns the Bush family, which Michael Moore believes has been conspiring to take over America. Aliens and UFOs are big these days also, especially on the Sci-Fi channel,…

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The Princess Bride

 William  July 15, 2004

My wife and daughter’s favorite movie is The Princess Bride. Over at Minas Tirith, Bill Lueg says that “Every life situation can be summed up in some quote from the movie. My friend Mark and I have tried to find…

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This Land is Your Land Parody

 William  July 14, 2004

If you have a high speed Internet connection you have got to see this absolutely hysterical parody on Woody Guthrie’s This Land is Your Land. It may take some time to get into your cache (3.5 megs and an overwhelmed…

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So Many Thoughts…

 William  July 14, 2004

So many thoughts, so little time. Over the past few weeks my thinking has been whipsawed by so many interesting and challenging questions, insights, and ideas. Our church’s men’s group is studying J.I. Packer’s Knowing God, which makes significant demands…

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Christian Carnival XXVI Is Up And Available

 William  July 14, 2004

Christian Carnival XXVI is up at From the Anchor Hold. There are thirty seven (37) postings this time. Enjoy. Last week there were twenty seven (27) and two weeks ago twenty (20). At this rate, by the time I host…

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