2021 Lent Day 7 – Entertainment’s Assault
It didn’t take till my fifth day for me to miss a post, so this is a belated effort. I didn’t realize I had missed writing last night until I was driving to work this morning. Frustrating to have failed…
…A heart and mind searching for truth in a lying, fallen world.
It didn’t take till my fifth day for me to miss a post, so this is a belated effort. I didn’t realize I had missed writing last night until I was driving to work this morning. Frustrating to have failed…
In 1 Samuel 12:24 the Lord says, “Only fear the Lord [with awe and profound reverence].” Amplified. We are called to fear only the Lord and pointedly nothing else. There are over a 100 verses along the lines of fear not. God is…
The problem with trying to do something new every day is that it is easy to forget, since it takes a while to make it a habit, something you remember to do. I almost forgot to post something today, but…
At its root Lent is about prayer. It is a primary discipline encouraged during this time of preparation for Holy Week and the events that drove the culmination of Jesus’ ministry on earth. When asked by his disciples how to…
That time had to come from somewhere, primarily from activities that were more productive avenues of time investment. So, I decided to abandon the game, initially for Lent, but hopefully forever, as God has better things for me to do with what remaining time he has granted me.
I have been researching vitamin D3 and other effective natural approaches to dealing with viral infections such as the cold and flu for over 14 years. My intensive interest started back in 2006 timeframe when I read an article (https://www.darkintelligencegroup.com/the-dark-report/clinical-laboratory/doctor-notices-different-vitamin-d-results-over-time/…
Watch this and be properly informed. If you trust me you will click on this. It deals with the current pandemic as a plandemic and my obscure way of discussing this is to keep certain services from blackballing this post.
Back in 2005, I wrote a post about the abandonment of Terri Shiavo, prompted by a column by Mark Steyn. I was fixing a couple of broken links on the post and I thought it deserved fresh light. So, here…
I have recently read two articles that look at the changing nature of work/value creation and while coming from a different perspective, arrive at similar constructs, though this may not be obvious at first glance. The first article (The Old…
We need food. There is a maxim in certain nutritional circles that you are what you eat, or at least the health of your body is determined by what you eat. One of the big problems with disasters, especially ones…
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