Interesting Video
Watch this and be properly informed. If you trust me you will click on this. It deals with the current pandemic as a plandemic and my obscure way of discussing this is to keep certain services from blackballing this post.
…A heart and mind searching for truth in a lying, fallen world.
Watch this and be properly informed. If you trust me you will click on this. It deals with the current pandemic as a plandemic and my obscure way of discussing this is to keep certain services from blackballing this post.
Back in 2005, I wrote a post about the abandonment of Terri Shiavo, prompted by a column by Mark Steyn. I was fixing a couple of broken links on the post and I thought it deserved fresh light. So, here…
I have recently read two articles that look at the changing nature of work/value creation and while coming from a different perspective, arrive at similar constructs, though this may not be obvious at first glance. The first article (The Old…
We need food. There is a maxim in certain nutritional circles that you are what you eat, or at least the health of your body is determined by what you eat. One of the big problems with disasters, especially ones…
It is not an exaggeration to say water is the stuff of life. Outside of air, it is the one thing we need to continually consume. We can deal with irregularly consuming food, but not water. We deteriorate rapidly without…
The answer to that question depends on your location. Are you in a city, the suburbs of a city, a small town, a rural location, or what some might consider the boonies? Each location would have different requirements. What are…
Back on September 11, two friends of my sister (in Deland Florida) were praying before lunch and asking God what they should pray about, since it was the anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, when…
A good man is many things but this is a good start.
Here is an easy, quick way to make a very unmessy toasted cheese sandwich. Get out your iron, a piece of aluminum foil a little larger than twice the size of your bread, and your desired fixings. Put your finished…
One of the objections that the early Hebrews faced (e.g., from the Egyptians) was that their God had no name. The ancient mind could not conceive of a nameless god. Names were significant; they helped define one’s god and expressed…
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